2022 North American NCKU Outstanding Alumni Award
NCKU has a wealth of talent, and its North American alumni are known for their achievements in a variety of fields in the U.S. Since its inception, the North American Association has established the North American NCKU Outstanding Alumni Award to serve alumni and to honor outstanding talent and encourage future advancement. Once every two years, alumni associations from all over the U.S. recommend outstanding alumni talents to participate in the selection process, and the selection committee is composed of 5-7 highly respected alumni from all over the U.S. The selection process is conducted in a fair and impartial manner.
For those alumni who have passed the selection process, Cheng Kung University Alumni Association North America (CKUAANA) will invite them to attend the biennial alumni meeting held once every two years, where they will be formally presented with the "North American NCKU Outstanding Alumni" plaque by the distinguished guests. The award-winning information and personal introduction will be posted on the website of the CKUAANA.
Selection unit: Must be recommended by the local alumni associations. Depending on the size of the organization, each alumni association may nominate 1 to 2 people.
Selection period: Applications will be received by the end of April (4/30) of the year of the North American Biennial Conference.
Application method: Choose one of the two, see the application button below
1. Online application form (Google account required)
2. e-mail application: download the application form and fill it out and send it to donate@nckunaaf.org
Eligibility Criteria
o North American alumni who have demonstrated outstanding performance in their work, study, and industry as a role model for North American alumni.
o Any North American alumnus whose conduct and moral character are recognized by the community as exemplary of North American alumni in their life and actions.
o Any North American alumnus who, in the pursuit of his or her goals, has demonstrated perseverance and fearlessness that is admired and recognized by the community and is a benchmark for North American alumni.
Selection Period: The list of recipients will be announced at the end of May of the same year to facilitate the recipients' participation in the North American Biennial Conference at the end of that year.
Selection Committee: The Executive President of the Association will invite 5-7 highly respected alumni from around the world to form the selection committee.
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