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The NCKU President Chao Nee Memorial Scholarship 來龍去脈
The 2022 President Chao Nee Memorial Scholarship Committee is now accepting new applications from the descendants of NCKU faculty, alumni, and staff. All university sophomores, juniors, and seniors with demonstrated leadership qualities, academic excellence, and extracurricular activities are welcome to apply. The applicant must maintain at least a cumulative 3.25 grade point average (GPA). Deadline for application is April 15, 2022, and the committee’s decision on the three recipients will be announced by May 15, 2022.
In order to safeguard our green earth and limit COVID-19 exposures, the applicant is encouraged to submit all application materials electronically to Ms. Li-Min Lee 李琍珉 學姊 (lmlee@yblcpa.com).
Please pay attention to the following three documents. Note again that the deadline for application is April 15, 2022.
Following please find a list of recent President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients (Year 2016-2021)
- 2021 President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients
- 2020 President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients
- 2019 President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients
- 2018 President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients
- 2017 President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients
- 2016 President Nee’s Memorial Scholarship Recipients