Please click below for the application form:
2025 Dr. Arthur Wu Memorial Scholarship Application Form
2025 Scholarship Application Schedule:
1. Application deadline – April 14, 2025 (Monday)
2. Review and Selection – May 24 (Saturday)
3. Award announcement – 31 May (Saturday)
4. Award date – October 24-25, 2025. The award will be presented by NCKU President and Mrs. Susie Wu, honorary chairwoman of the scholarship. The venue will be the 2025 National Cheng Kung University Global Carnival and the National Cheng Kung University Alumni Biennial Conference in Washington, D.C., the United States.
1.申請截止 – 4月14日(週一)
2.審查評選 – 5月24日 (週六)
3.公佈結果 – 5月31日 (週六)
4.頒獎日期 – 2025年10月24-25日。由校長及獎學金榮譽主席王淑昭女士共同頒發,地點將位於2025成大全球嘉年華及北美成大校友雙年會舉辦地-美國華盛頓特區盛大舉行
Dr. Arthur Wu Memorial Scholarship Introduction:
Dr. Arthur Wu was a distinguished civil engineer in Taiwan whose education and career spanned Taiwan and the United States. In 1956, he graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of Tainan Institute of Technology (now National Cheng Kung University). He was the last graduate of the Institute of Technology and the first graduate of National Cheng Kung University.
After graduation, Arthur Wu served as a reserve military officer and an engineer at the Water Resources Bureau in Taiwan. He then returned to National Cheng Kung University to pursue a master’s degree and became the first graduate of the Department of Civil Engineering’s master’s class. His study abroad journey began in 1962, when he received a scholarship from Ohio State University to study in the United States, where he completed his master’s degree. He then obtained a doctorate in engineering from George Washington University and later served in the U.S. Department of the Navy’s Engineering Department. Dr. Wu won numerous awards throughout his life, the total number of which broke the record of the U.S. Department of the Navy. He also became the first Asian to be awarded the Goethals Medal, the highest award honor in U.S. military engineering.
In addition to his work achievements, Dr. Wu was active in social welfare and overseas Chinese academic circles, serving as an important cadre and volunteer in many Asian-Pacific organizations and academic groups. He also remembered his alma mater, National Cheng Kung University, which has nurtured him in the past, and actively organized and participated in alumni activities. He was one of the initiators of the National Cheng Kung University North America Alumni Foundation, laying a solid support for the Foundation.
In addition to his professional achievements, Dr. Wu also had a great passion for dance and has been the leading character of the joint dance club between National Cheng Kung University and National Chung Hsing University in the Washington, D.C. area for many years. His personal life was abundant and varied, and his career story served as an outstanding example to many engineers who will be able to not only achieve excellence in their profession, but also make important contributions, and have a lasting impact in their communities and alumni networks.
In order to commemorate Dr. Arthur H. Wu and carry on his spirit, his family established the “Dr. Arthur H. Wu Memorial Scholarship”.

▲The 2005 Outstanding Alumni and Unsung-Hero Alumni Award winners took a group photo with NCKU President KAO Chiang, North American Alumni Association President CHEN Shousun, and Foundation President Dr. Arthur Wu
畢業後,吳漢南學長先後擔任預備軍官和水資源局工程師,後回國立成功大學進修碩士學位,並成為土木系碩士班第一屆畢業生。他的留學之路始於1962年,當時獲得俄亥俄州立大學的獎學金赴美深造,完成碩士學位,又於喬治華盛頓大學取得工學博士學位,後進入美國海軍部工程署服務。吳漢南學長一生獲獎無數,總數打破美國海軍部紀錄,更是成為首位獲頒美國軍事工程最高榮譽獎章”The Goethals Medal”(柯氏獎章)的亞裔人士。
為了紀念吳漢南學長並傳承他的精神,家屬設立了「吳漢南博士紀念獎學金」”Dr. Arthur H. Wu Memorial Scholarship“。

▲2005 年傑出校友和默默耕耘校友得獎人與校長高強、聯合會會長陳秀生、基金會會長吳漢南合影
吳漢南學長的相關報導(Related reports about Dr. Arthur Wu):
大紀元|謙謙君子 風範長存 回顧吳漢南博士精彩一生
吳漢南博士紀念獎學金委員會 (2025 Dr. Arthur Wu Memorial Scholarship Committee):

Eligibility criteria for the Dr. Arthur Wu Memorial Scholarship:
- Students currently enrolled in engineering, civil engineering, science, or technology programs at accredited colleges/universities in the United States and Taiwan (except freshmen).
- Applicants must maintain a GPA of at least 3.1.
- A Taiwanese American citizen or a descendant of a Taiwanese American citizen who is an alumnus or faculty member of National Cheng Kung University.
- Not a recipient of this scholarship in the past.
- 目前在美國和臺灣認可的學院/大學就讀工程、土木工程、科學或技術領域課程的學生(新生除外)。
- 申請人GPA必須至少保持3.1以上。
- 國立成功大學之校友或教職員的臺裔美國公民或臺裔美國公民之後裔。
- 過去不曾為本獎學金之得主。
《吳漢南博士紀念奬學金》評分標準 (Evaluation criteria for the Dr. Wu Hannan Memorial Scholarship):